Construction Administration
When you are ready to start construction, you want an expert on your side of the table. 3cd ensures that the team communicates effectively and issues that can delay the project are resolved quickly and efficiently. As the project progresses, 3cd is your advocate, ensuring that changes and billings are accurate and quality issues are caught early and corrected timely.
Consultant Coordination
The biggest risk of change orders and delays during construction is due to communication issues between designers and with owners and contractors. 3cd ensures that communications are timely and actionable resulting in lower construction administration costs and fewer cost and delay claims.
Quality Control & Assurance
Quality is not automatic. Building right the first time requires vetting and coordination that is sometimes overlooked when contractors get busy. 3cd makes sure that the right questions are asked, answered and documented to prevent mistakes, delays, claims and disputes.
Billing & Change Processing
Cashflow to the contractors is critical to achieving and maintaining momentum on your project's schedule. Amounts need to be confirmed and any changes timely processed to prevent administrative gridlock that can easily create delays in the schedule. 3cd provides a prudent and efficient procedure to avoid errors and disputes.
Owner Services and Closeout
Most owners have furniture, security, broadband and equipment work that needs to be coordinated and managed according to the schedule. 3cd provides procurement, contracting and coordination services to ensure you have cost-effective vendors properly integrating with the schedule and supporting your opening date.